Thriving Through The 4th Trimester: Seeking a Better Way
Welcome to the first in our series, Thriving through the 4th Trimester, where we guide you through how to care for a woman as she transitions from maiden to mother.
Welcome to the first in our series, Thriving through the 4th Trimester, where we guide you through how to care for a woman as she transitions from maiden to mother.
I’m smart. I’m brave.I’m kind. I’m loved,and I’m worthy of love. This is a version of a mantra I made up for my 2 year old daughter when she started going to preschool. She struggled with the transition. She came home from school and told me daily that she was afraid I wasn’t coming back. … Read more
Would you rather other people love you, or is it more important to you that you love yourself? I asked my husband this question as a part of some coaching exercises the other day. His response was, “I don’t care if anyone else loves me, and I think loving myself sounds conceited.” This answer shocked … Read more
Focusing on our breath gives us something to be aware of in the present moment. When we become aware of how we are breathing, we can adjust how we breathe, and change our whole state of being. In yoga there are many breathing exercises (pranayama) where we practice noticing and/or controlling our breath. We can … Read more
Welcome to the sixth post in this series, Thriving through the 4th Trimester. Follow me as I share what I learned applying traditions from other cultures to my own postpartum journey. It is my hope that this knowledge will serve as a guide for how to truly care for a woman, as she transitions from … Read more
This is a real birth story written from my perspective as a mother. This was written as a processing exercise for my own emotional health. I have posted it here so that other women can read about one Mother’s actual, unfiltered experiences during birth. This post may contain triggers for emotions to arise for the … Read more
More to come! For now, Check out this posture video!
More to come! For now, Check out this Log rolling video I recorded while I was pregnant!
More info coming soon. For now, watch this self-check video!
Coming soon! – For now, watch this TED Talk!
Coming soon!- Postpartum specific exercises for core and pelvic floor motor control improvement.
Many Mamas have a difficult time in their early days postpartum. They may experience physical pain, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, and even strained relationships with their partner and other family members.
In this email series, you will learn about common issues that lead to these problems, and how to create a plan that allows you to have a relaxing and rejuvenating experience instead.
If you would like to emerge from your first forty days postpartum feeling physically and emotionally stronger and more supported than ever, click the link above!